Crazy Chicken 1.0.42 (iPhone)
Crazy Chicken 1.0.42 iPhone iPod Touch

Crazy Chicken 1.0.42 iPhone iPod Touch | 19,5 MB

This game is just like the old chicken shooter game you used to play with plenty of hiding, flying and running chickens but there are a few little additions that make this game great for the iphone. But then again now it is a little harder to blame your bad aim on the gun…
The game starts off very simply with a screen full of very cute and zany chickens that you have to shoot. Some are more points than others, a scoring that apparently comes from their difficulty though at other times I am not so sure. I love the graphics the 3d looks great on the iphone and the chickens are almost too cute to shoot. But there is more to this than simply shooting chickens, if you really want to rack up your score there are a number of little puzzles that you can solve in the midst of the shooting. Trying to discover them all will definitely take multiple times through the game so be prepared to get a little frustrated as you try to get the best of these crazy chickens (Especially the one holding the frying pain with amazing reflexes!).

If you want you can even play a hand of poker with some super cool porcupines or show the creepy scarecrow just who is boss. There are also plenty of things that can take away your points so be sure to watch where you are shooting.
One of the things I noticed is that when you first start the game the cross hairs pull to the left. If this bothers you like it did me then you can go into the options and have it change to either pull to the right or fall exactly where your finger touches. It is all a matter of personal preference and for me I liked having the cross hairs right where my fingers where because I’m a bad shot and having to account for the pull was just not working out for me.





vamsikrishna said...


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